Angie's lemons

Countless blessings

Dane PoseyEverything Pose Knows Cabo

Of all the places in the world to be in March of 2020, Baja California Sur has to be at the top of the list. The combination of perfect weather, flowering trees, tasty waves, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables make Baja ideal.

Yuzu fruit bath during COVID-19 pandemic
When life hands you Yuzu lemons, fill a bathtub with them and bathe like Japanese royalty.

The worldwide pandemic has forced many of us to change our daily routines and, as we found out quickly, that is not all bad. The human race was on a collision course with extinction prior to the virus and, hopefully, we all emerge from this cocoon with a new perspective on how we want to spend what little time we are afforded on this planet. After all, she will still be here long after we are gone.

Pose Knows Cabo

Music “Youth” by Beach Fossils.

The fruit at the one minute mark is called “Guanabana,” or “Soursop” in English. We have four baby trees available for sale, 200 pesos each.