Packing problems while moving to Cabo

Dane PoseyEverything Pose Knows Cabo

Due to the inherent limitations of driving a low-budget subcompact hatchback,  I have shifted my moving to Cabo packing strategies from including the Wolfgang Puck Rice Cooker to what would I grab if I only had 15 minutes and a hankering for dehydrated fruits. According to the picture, that also includes tortilla chips. Perhaps the only time, in the history of moving to Cabo, that someone has brought their own chips. I’ll wear that badge with honor.

Let go of your “things”

Social conditioning has taught us to accumulate and consume. Breaking the attachment to things is a difficult but necessary step. The reason why the TV show Hoarders was so popular. There is a little “Hoarder” in all of us. I believe that freedom can only be attained when you free yourself from those attachments.

Pose Knows Cabo