A man and his dream

Dane PoseyEverything Pose Knows Cabo

For the past couple of years, I have been traveling to Hollywood on a regular basis to study the art of improvisation at the Second City and iOWest theaters. I love what it taught me and met many passionate people. The lessons that I learned there have also become important in my life. Follow the fear and lead with yes.

A desire to learn more about myself and an opportunity to sell Real Estate in San Jose del Cabo has me on course to move permanently at the end of the summer. My favorite part of this decision so far is the looks I get. At the Equinox in Irvine, when I tell the guys I hoop with that I am selling most of what I own and moving to Mexico it’s priceless. Doesn’t seem fathomable. This may be machismo, only time will tell, but I have never been so sure of anything in my life.

The beginning of Pose Knows Cabo
