Pescadero with Pedro and Shooter

A picture from Pescadero that I will not soon forget

Dane PoseyCabo Area Weekend Series, Everything Pose Knows Cabo

Photography, or perhaps more accurately, the subsequent editing process has been a mistress in my life for years. Countless late nights with Angie fast asleep have been spent in a zen-like state enjoying the discovery element of the creation process. A night-owl (within reason) by nature, it is a hobby that I have always enjoyed.

Every once in a while a picture is imported from my memory card to the computer for editing and upon opening it leaves me in awe. Immediately I know that it is a picture that I will cherish for years to come. This picture, taken last week, at our Ranchito “Alma de mi alma” near San Pedrito beach in Pescadero, BCS with our friend and caretaker Pedro is one of those.

The pictures in the gallery below represent the surrounding properties and what will be our view from the second level.