Frequently asked questions when buying in Cabo
FAQ when buying in Cabo. These questions get asked so often by buyers investigating real estate purchases in Los Cabos that I have compiled them to make it simple to get answers.
What is the market like in Cabo?
We have designed an easy-to-use chart to get up-to-the-minute market report conditions. You can search active and sold properties in Cabo and every market where the Baja California Sur MLS has listings. Find the data you want here.
Can you really own property in Mexico? Or is it a lease?
Locally renowned Real Estate Attorney Rafael Solorzano goes in depth about the trust instrument known as the Fideicomiso. This is the path to ownership for 99% of my clients. Read all about it here.
How much are closing costs?
Real Estate Attorney Javier Mazoy of Lex Advisors walks you step by step through the closing process with an explanation of closing costs that, typically, Buyers can expect. Read that here.
How does financing work in Cabo?
You can’t walk into your local Bank of America and ask for a loan application to buy a home in Cabo. Learn what you CAN do here.
Other FAQ’s when buying in Cabo
If you don’t already have your question answered, find a collection of others answered by attorney Javier Mazoy here.