If I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it; at any rate, brag.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of our main priorities for our property in Pescadero is to create a food forest that will provide nourishment for years to come. A staple of that forest is the avocado. Avocados are a super-food that we enjoy eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A corn tortilla crisped on the gas range with mashed avocado, lime, and salsa can be a quick, easy snack that is devoured quickly. To this end, we planted five avocado trees and I am happy to report that they are all happy and healthy.
Where you come in
The problem that we ran into is we aren’t totally sure which varieties of avocados we have. Of course, when they start producing fruit we will figure it out but that’s no fun. We are fairly certain that number one is a Hass avocado because it is the only tree we did not plant. Actually, we threw the pit out and miraculously it just grew. The only concern is that it is growing about three feet from my grapefruit tree which will definitely be an issue in a few years. The other four varieties are anyone’s guess. I will leave the comments open on this post and if you fancy yourself an avocado expert than please share your knowledge!
# 1
Think you know? Leave the tree number and the variety type in the comments!