Angie pregnant at 33 weeks in the bamboo

The first of May

Dane PoseyEl Pescadero, Baja California Sur, Everything Pose Knows Cabo Leave a Comment

The first of May is the beginning of the last full month before our baby is due in early June. On Angie’s birthday, the 29th, we harvested eggplant, lemons, onions, sweet potatoes, chives, mint, loquat, and green beans. Afterward, an impromptu pregnancy photoshoot took place near the bamboo. I’ve never heard of a woman to retain a glow that lasts throughout all three trimesters but I have the photographic evidence that it does exist.

Pose Knows Cabo

The Ledge Restaurant

Shrimp Ceviche Tostada Recipe

Dane PoseyCabo Recipes, Everything Pose Knows Cabo

Hola friends and at-home cooking enthusiasts. Today, resort chef Victor Garrido is sharing how to make one of his favorite ceviche recipes from The Ledge. We hope this brings a little Baja-inspired escape, from our kitchen to yours. Sending you love and well wishes.
Originally posted on The Cape, a Thompson Hotel Facebook Page

Hoy, todos los amantes de la cocina estarán felices ya que nuestro chef, Víctor Garrido, nos compartirá cómo hacer una de sus recetas favoritas: un delicioso ceviche. ⁣

Esperamos darles un poco de inspiración de la cocina de La Baja y mientras tanto les seguimos enviando nuestros mejores deseos.

Shrimp Ceviche Tostada Ingredients

½ taza de pepino en dados ⁣- half cup of diced cucumbers
½ taza de tomate en dados⁣ – half cup of diced tomato
1/3 taza de cebolla en dados⁣ – one third cup of diced onions
½ taza de zanahoria rallada ⁣- half cup of grated carrots
4 a 5 limas grandes (jugo)⁣ – juice of four or five large limes
1 pz aguacate maduro⁣ – one mature avocado
10 ramitas de cilantro fresco ⁣- ten stalks of cilantro
300 gramos de pescado fresco en cubos o camarones⁣ – 300 grams of cubed fresh fish or shrimp
4 tostadas ⁣
¼ cucharada de polvo de chile Tajin ⁣- one fourth tablespoon of Tajin chili salt
½ cucharada de salsa picante de cholula ⁣- half tablespoon of spicy salsa Cholula
1 pizca de pimienta negra – a pinch of black pepper

Pose Knows Cabo
Bouganvillea Mocktail Recipe

Bouganvillea Mocktail (Recipe)

Dane PoseyCabo Recipes, Everything Pose Knows Cabo, The Cape Residences, The Cape, a Thompson Hotel

A recipe any and all can enjoy — cheers to this healthy mocktail recipe that’s easy to make at home and will transport you to the beaches of Cabo at The Cape, a Thompson Hotel.
Se acerca el fin de semana, por lo que te compartirmos la receta de este delicioso mocktail que podrás preparar fácilmente en casa, una bebida saludable y refrescante para toda la familia (a la que puedes añadir un toque de gin). Disfrútala. 

– Hervir un manojo de hojas de bugambilia en 1/2 litro de agua y dejar reposar 15 min.⁣
– 1oz jugo de limón⁣
– 1oz miel de agave o 2 cucharadas de azúcar morena⁣
– ralladura de jengibre⁣
Mezclar todo junto en la licuadora – servir sobre hielo⁣
* 1 1/2oz de ginebra (al gusto)

Pose Knows Cabo
Staying Alive in Cabo during COVID-19

“Quarantined” in Cabo

Dane PoseyEverything Pose Knows Cabo

With Angie in her third trimester of pregnancy and due date of June 12th, it is important that we find positive pastimes during these different times.

Pregnant prayers

We have been blessed to have great friends and clients that have trusted us to help them buy and sell their properties in Cabo. One of those stunning properties is Casa Portobello, a 5,400 square foot oceanfront palace at Zippers point break on Costa Azul beach.

Music by The BeeGees

Angie and I spent the day there recently swimming, sun-bathing, painting, puzzling, playing chess, watching the surfers, and completely decompressing. If isolating at home is mandatory, there is no better place to do it than Casa Portobello. The five-bedroom, four and a half bath, with one bedroom casita apartment, is within a gated complex but has no HOA (Homeowners Association). It is zoned both residential and commercial making it perfect for a surf hostel, boutique hotel, beach bar, restaurant, or as the ultimate surf villa. Opportunity abounds.

Zippers (Costa Azul)

Where to surf in Los Cabos, Mexico

We dream of the day when we can safely be back in the waves to play at Costa Azul. This experience is a stark reminder that every day alive is a gift and not to be taken for granted. I believe we will all come through this with a new understanding of what matters. We must.

We send peace, love, and health to all those reading and beyond. See you in Cabo soon!

Pose Knows Cabo